Latest results
Published: 31 Aug 2009
From Friday 28th till Sunday 30th, 2009, the National Championship in Dressage took place in Leudelange-Luxembourg.
Friday August 28th, 2009, Sacha Schulz made the 1st place in the competition S*-Prix St. Georges, at a result of 65,175%.
Saturday August 29th, 2009, Pascale Sax made a 1st place in the competition S** at a result of 66,917%.
Sunday August 30th, 2009, Véronique Henschen made a 1st place in the competition S**-Intermédiaire I- at a result of 68,333%.
And so finally, Véronique Henschen became National Senior Dressage Champion of the year 2009 and this for the 3rd time in rule at a result of 2.309 points.